Functional Medicine has become a buzzword in Alternative Medicine in the last 15 years, and it shows no sign of slowing down. Many Alternative Health practitioners such as chiropractors, nutritionists, and holistic health professionals have made the transition from having a patient purchase supplements for various ailments and symptoms to digging deeper into the “why” of a patients issue. 

In 2010 after an additional 3 years of study I obtained my master’s degree in human nutrition to better understand this field and help my patients.  What many patients don’t understand is that over-the-counter supplements can have serious or lethal side effects when combined with other supplements, and especially medications they are on.  Too often patients assume that it’s a supplement- not medicine, I can take it without issue. 

There are also many fields of functional medicine that a provider can specialize in, and I have learned through experience that no one can be a Master of them all. To this end I have specialized my Nutritional consultations and advice with a focus on Gut Health, food sensitivities, stool testing, and toxic overburden. I feel that since the stomach and intestines are where we absorb food and nutrients to live, if the absorption and function of this area is off, then it causes major issues that ripple across other systems in the body. 

A final word of caution though; some Functional Medicine practitioners order lots of testing that can cost thousands of dollars, and then after the results come in, a patient is put on 300-500 dollars of supplements with no beginning and end to treatment. Eventually patients cannot afford this and have to stop prior to their issues being resolved. Be on the lookout for sticker shock concerning testing and supplements, and do not hesitate to obtain a second opinion if it seems treatment goes on forever with no end in sight. 

Here are some conditions that I routinely help patients with:

Leaky gut

Food sensitivities


Irritable bowel syndrome


Brain Fog

Bloating after meals
